Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago, BNIM Architects
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Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago, BNIM Architects

– In collaboration with Steve Sanda and Jonathan Ramsey.

Workflow: SketchUp, Revit, Rhino/Grasshopper, AutoCad, Photoshop.


The Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge is a new program at the University of Chicago focusing on interdisciplinary research. The Institute required a space for researchers interested in interdisciplinary projects.


An existing building on campus which was formerly a library was chosen as the site. The building is nestled among red brick walk-ups. The goal of the project was refurbishing the space to suit the needs and requirements of this newly conceived program. The brief called for multiple collaborative/breakout spaces, research rooms, a micro – library, and offices.


I worked on crafting the various facade options that would reflect the character of the program while being sensitive to its context. Additionally I worked on crafting the interior construction detailing that would in-fill on the existing brick assembly unifying the tectonics in a cohesive manner.