National Design Competition, NIT Trichy
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National Design Competition, NIT Trichy

– In collaboration with Prasanna, Deepika, Rohini, and Amrita

Workflow: AutoCad, SketchUp, 3DS Max, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign.

HUDCO(housing and urban development commission India) was a nationwide student competition with 150 teams participating. Our team received a special mention for our innovative and creative ideas with our competition entry being  published as a special edition book. The design brief  called for a convention center in New Delhi India incorporating, passive and active climate strategies to achieve human comfort and overall energy reduction. Our convention center adopted canted walls as a response to the summer sun reducing energy required to cool the space. Additionally several complimentary strategies, such as double cavity walls, green roofs, and earth tubes, were used to reduce overall energy use.