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I am a designer with professional experience in Canada, the United States, and Qatar. My approach is rooted in collaborative exploration, holistic sustainability, and material research. I define holistic sustainability as a comprehensive approach including materials, landscape, site, community, and social norms.


I hold a Master of Architecture and a Master of Science in Architecture from Iowa State University, where my thesis “Design and development of cellulose based composites for the built environment” proposed a new method for concrete sustainability with the integration of cellulose fibers. This work received the 2019 ARCC King Research Medal for Sustainability.


This academic experience is coupled with four and half years of professional experience at AIA award winning firms.


Professional Experience

My professional experience is rooted in collaborative design processes spanning across a variety of institutional, cultural, and residential projects.


At public design I led development of the Kimberly water treatment plant guiding team members through development and detail design. Additionally, I led detail development of the phase 3 student housing at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby.


At BNIM Architects I participated in a variety of roles in the design and documentation process. For The University of Iowa Stanley Art Museum, I assisted with conceptual exploration, design development, and construction detailing by utilizing virtual and physical modeling tools.


At LMN Architects contributed to two sustainability research projects:

For the first project I collaborated with the Green Studio to develop internal energy metrics for LMN’s completed projects. These metrics ranged from carbon emissions during construction to the building’s operational energy use. This process provided valuable insight for the firm to measure its progress towards achieving the 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

For the second project, I worked with LMN Tech Studio field-testing a portable sensor suite developed in-house. The unit is designed to collect data about interior environmental conditions such as light, CO, CO2, sound, temperature, and humidity. These units can be placed in completed projects to carry out a post-occupancy evaluation focusing on thermal movement, regulation and human comfort.


Digital Skills

I am well versed with digital tools such as Revit, Sketch-up, rhino, grasshopper, AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Microsoft Office Suite. Additionally, hand sketching, physical modelling, and painting allowing me to be versatile and expressive in my approach toward design.


Sustainability – analytical skills and experience

I am proficient in various energy modeling tools including Energy Plus, Sefira, BEopt, Ladybug/Honeybee. I have utilized them to simulate qualitative and quantitative data to compare with data obtained from physical sensors. Using these tools gives us a way to analyze design with the goal of holistic sustainability.


Research Experience

At Iowa State University I worked with the Center for Building Energy and Research (CBER) on the design and operation of the Mobile Diagnostics Lab. This lab, which is a mobile sensor lab housed in a trailer, can be used to obtain thermal data, and perform material studies in varying micro-climates. This eliminates variability that stems from data obtained at a weather station.


Thesis Research

My research at Iowa State interrogated the contemporary wall assembly primarily driven as a product of capital and unsustainable nature of traditional material. I then proposed a new assembly based on holistic sustainability combining material processes, coordination, site, and the building envelope. I worked on embedding cellulose fibers in concrete and the possibilities they afford in this re-imagined envelope.