Typhoon Disaster Relief, Iowa State University
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Typhoon Disaster Relief, Iowa State University

– In collaboration with Gladys, Zahn, and Yun.

Workflow: Rhino/Grasshopper/Kangaroo, 3D Printer, Laser Printer, Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro.


This studio incorporated digital modelling tools to design, iterate and finally build a half scale model as proof of concept. We used grasshopper to create a parametric model which could respond to the issues of rain and shelter that occur in the aftermath of a hurricane.


After scripting and iterating with Galapagos we built a half scale model which would serve as proof of concept. A random grouping of 3 people were able to erect the tent in 4 minutes with the instructions provided with the tent and successfully collect water demonstrating a successful design. I led the team in designing in Rhino, Physical mock ups at half scale, Diagramming and rendering, creating instructions for set-up